Rebecca Hofmann
Portfolio Editor
Thomson Reuters
![Rebecca Hofmann, Westlaw Editor](/westlaw/images/rebecca-hofmann-full.png)
Rebecca's work with Westlaw
Rebecca is the Portfolio Editor for Land Law and Brookers Family Law, including the individual products of Adult Relationships, Family Procedure, Child Law, Family Property and Incapacity on Westlaw.
"I love research so much so that I chose editorial work over practice on completion of my degree. I love having a question and following the trail to find an answer. A bit like the Hansel and Gretel story that often leads me crumb by crumb, snippet by snippet, deeper and deeper into a dense thicket of possibilities. At every twist in the path I must make a choice. Is it this way, or that way? Which is better? To make a decision I weigh up the purely prescriptive approach alongside its social context to reach a balanced, informed conclusion.
"I may not be on the front-line however I stand behind our Westlaw customers – proudly providing the foundation on which they build their legal life.
"I am a self-driven perfectionist, I love my work and think Westlaw is an amazing product. The breadth of information is huge, and navigation is so easy.
"I’ve used it since my student days and now am delighted to be part of the team who everyday converts an undifferentiated avalanche of information into searchable, useable data."
"I am delighted to be part of a team that converts an undifferentiated avalanche of information into searchable, useable data"
The Editing Team
Why should you trust us?
We know it's tough to rely on the judgment of someone other than yourself, especially when you've spent years honing your ability to think and discriminate. However you are in safe hands.
Like you, we understand the law and like you, we respect its importance in every facet of our daily lives.
When you use Westlaw you are harnessing the collective energies and intellectual capacities of a remarkable group of people. Every day we sift, sort, cull and condense screeds of raw material into clear, concise, logical and organised data for you to use.
We take pleasure in producing the type of information we know you value because it's what we appreciate ourselves.
Our skills enable you to get on with doing what you do best.
By the numbers
Number of Editors: 20
Number of Annotators: 16
Total Bachelor of Laws degrees held: 17
Total other Bachelor degrees held: 20
Total Masters degrees held: 6
Different Courts and Tribunals covered: 38
Cases processed each week: 200 - 300
Brookers Customized Legislation updates annually: 44
Alert24 updates each day: 21
Number of topics Westlaw editors cover: 33