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GST in New Zealand is a significant new work providing readers with in-depth commentary, practical advice and application of the law of GST in New Zealand. With the guidance of General Editors Judge Paul Barber and Professor John Prebble, the authors have written an invaluable source of information for:
- specialist and non specialist lawyers, accountants and tax professionals whose practices require them to deal with this complex and constantly changing area of the law; and
- for law, accounting and business students and their teachers who need an authoritative teaching and learning resource. It will also be most helpful to persons interested in any aspect of GST.
Checkpoint Online Services
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Practitioner is defined as employed and/or self-employed professionals within New Zealand including: solicitors, self-employed barristers, HR professionals and environmental specialists, corporate counsel, accountants including CPAs and CAs and registered tax agents and financial planners.
For pricing for government departments and authorities and multiple users please call 0800 785 483.
Price is for a single annual subscription for firms or businesses with one practitioner.
Practitioner is defined as employed and/or self-employed professionals within New Zealand including: solicitors, self-employed barristers, HR professionals and environmental specialists, corporate counsel, accountants including CPAs and CAs and registered tax agents and financial planners.
For pricing for government departments and authorities and multiple users please call 0800 785 483.
Price is for a single annual subscription for firms or businesses with one practitioner.
Practitioner is defined as employed and/or self-employed professionals within New Zealand including: solicitors, self-employed barristers, HR professionals and environmental specialists, corporate counsel, accountants including CPAs and CAs and registered tax agents and financial planners.
For pricing for government departments and authorities and multiple users please call 0800 785 483.
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Price is for a single annual subscription and includes all updates issued during this period. Thereafter subscription renewal invoices and updates will automatically be issued. Subscribers must provide the publisher with written notice of cancellation within 30 days of the date of their subscription invoice; otherwise the subscriber will be liable for the invoiced amount. For further information email info.anz@thomsonreuters.com or call 0800 785 483.