A to Z of NZ Law - Commercial Law, Securities - Westlaw NZ

A to Z of NZ Law - Commercial Law, Securities - Westlaw NZ

Barry Allan


Price: POA + GST

Date: 15/04/2016

Code: 41973426

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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A to Z of NZ Law - Commercial Law, Securities - Westlaw NZ



Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
eBook - ProView The Law of Secured Credit (eBook) 19/04/2016 9780864729408 $478.80 Add to cart
Online A to Z of NZ Law - Commercial Law, Securities - Westlaw NZ 15/04/2016 41973426 POA Enquiry

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A to Z of NZ Law - Commercial Law, Securities - Westlaw NZ


Commercial Law – Securities provides a clear understanding of the range of complex and often interrelated areas of law governing secured transactions. It brings together property law, real and personal property securities law, consumer credit law, insolvency law, and the law of personal guarantees. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the Australian law on the same topics and compares the law from the two countries, as well as engaging with issues of international importance.

Commercial Law – Securities is drawn from The Law of Secured Credit by Barry Allan.  


For more information about A to Z of New Zealand Law, click here

