Advocacy (Book)

Advocacy (Book)

Anthony Willy, James Rapley


$118.00 RRP + GST

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Date: 15/03/2013

Code: 9780864727787

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Book Advocacy (Book) 15/03/2013 9780864727787 $118.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Advocacy (eBook) 9780864728142 $118.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Advocacy (Book + eBook Bundle) 41525915 $153.00 Add to cart


Advocacy is part of the Thomson Reuters “Silver Series” a collection of practice guides designed specifically for New Zealand legal practitioners that offer a wealth of valuable advice and guidance on different practice areas of law. Advocacy is written by two expert authors, for all advocates in their practice both in and out of the courtroom. This work is divided into two parts:

  • Part one discusses the personal qualities and ethical standards needed to be a successful advocate, and provides aspiring advocates good advice on the hard yards needed to be done to be an effective advocate
  • Part two covers advocacy techniques and provides advice on how to effectively use these techniques

about the authors

Anthony Willy has 45 years of civil litigation experience in a number of different contexts. After 20 years as a litigation lawyer, he was appointed a District Court judge in 1985, retiring from the bench in 2000. He served variously as judge of the Environment Court, the Land Valuation Court, the Taxation Review Authority and as an Accident Compensation Appeal judge. He currently practises as a Resource Management Commissioner, arbitrator and commercial mediator. He is the author of Arbitration, Thomson Reuters, 2010 (online and hardcopy) and has written extensively on civil procedure.

James Rapley is a barrister who specialises in criminal defence litigation. He appears as counsel in the District and High Courts in criminal and regulatory trials. He also appears as appellate counsel in the Court of Appeal. James lectures in Trial Advocacy and has taught at the University of Canterbury Law School since 2003 and the University of the South Pacific Law School since 2012. He is also a member of the litigation committee for the Canterbury branch of the NZ Law Society and is a faculty member of the NZ Law Society Litigation Skills course.

Extract from a Law Society review by Jonathan Temm

"This book is a very useful addition to the New Zealand discussion on advocacy and will be a great resource book for all practitioners... I commend the authors who bring a good deal of experience to the topic."

Click the following link to open the full review:
Advocacy, Law Society Review




Part 1: Being An Advocate

  • Chapter 1 - The Essential Qualities of the Successful Advocate
  • Chapter 2 - The Ethics of Advocacy - General Obligations
  • Chapter 3 - Ethics in Practice
  • Chapter 4 - The Judges
  • Chapter 5 Dealing With Your Learned Friend

Part 2: Effective Advocacy In The Court

  • Chapter 6 Preparation of Evidence-in-Chief for Hearing in Court
  • Chapter 7 Theory of the Case
  • Chapter 8 The Opening Address
  • Chapter 9 Examination-in-Chief
  • Chapter 10 Cross-Examination
  • Chapter 11 Exhibits
  • Chapter 12 Re-Examination
  • Chapter 13 Objections
  • Chapter 14 Closing Address
  • Chapter 15 Appellate Advocacy
  • Chapter 16 Styles of Advocacy in Specialist Courts and Forums
  • Chapter 17 Advocacy in the Technical Age
  • Appendices

Anthony Willy has 45 years of civil litigation experience in a number of different contexts. After 20 years as a litigation lawyer, he was appointed a District Court judge in 1985, retiring from the bench in 2000. He served variously as judge of the Environment Court, the Land Valuation Court, the Taxation Review Authority and as an Accident Compensation Appeal judge. He currently practises as a Resource Management Commissioner, arbitrator and commercial mediator. He is the author of Arbitration, Thomson Reuters, 2010 (online and hardcopy) and has written extensively on civil procedure.

James Rapley is a barrister who specialises in criminal defence litigation. He appears as counsel in the District and High Courts in criminal and regulatory trials. He also appears as appellate counsel in the Court of Appeal. James lectures in Trial Advocacy and has taught at the University of Canterbury Law School since 2003 and the University of the South Pacifi c Law School since 2012. He is also a member of the litigation committee for the Canterbury branch of the NZ Law Society and is a faculty member of the NZ Law Society Litigation Skills course.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Being An Advocate

Chapter 1 - The Essential Qualities of the Successful Advocate

Chapter 2 - The Ethics of Advocacy - General Obligations

Chapter 3 - Ethics in Practice

Chapter 4 - The Judges

Chapter 5 Dealing With Your Learned Friend


Part 2: Effective Advocacy In The Court

Chapter 6 Preparation of Evidence-in-Chief for Hearing in Court

Chapter 7 Theory of the Case

Chapter 8 The Opening Address

Chapter 9 Examination-in-Chief

Chapter 10 Cross-Examination

Chapter 11 Exhibits

Chapter 12 Re-Examination

Chapter 13 Objections

Chapter 14 Closing Address

Chapter 15 Appellate Advocacy

Chapter 16 Styles of Advocacy in Specialist Courts and Forums

Chapter 17 Advocacy in the Technical Age