Human Rights Reports of New Zealand

Human Rights Reports of New Zealand

Antony Shaw, Andrew Butler


Price: POA + GST


Code: 30132789

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Human Rights Reports of New Zealand


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Report Human Rights Reports of New Zealand 30131045 $3,609.00 Enquiry

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Human Rights Reports of New Zealand

Report Human Rights Reports of New Zealand 30132789 POA Enquiry

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Human Rights Reports of New Zealand


Human Rights Reports of New Zealand (HRNZ) is a specialist series of law reports on developments in human rights law in New Zealand.

This specialist series reports important and significant cases on the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, the Human 1993, the Privacy 1993, and the Official Information 1982. Reports on cases considering other matters and other legislation are included where appropriate.

HRNZ was first published in 1995. The series incorporated New Zealand Bill of Rights Reports, which was published between 1992 and 1994. The series has been continually published since, with about one volume being produced each two years. There are now seven volumes of decisions.

The HRNZ series covers decisions of New Zealand courts, tribunals and administrative authorities as well as relevant international decisions. Key international constitutional and treaty texts are reproduced from time to time where appropriate.

Cases reported are primarily Court of Appeal and Supreme decisions, along with selected decisions from the Human Rights Review Tribunal and some other specialist tribunals.

The headnotes provide all details necessary to decide whether a case is on point or will assist in the line of research being followed.

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A one off book and contents charge will apply for initial set up which covers the cost of the binder(s) and all current looseleaf content to date. All monthly or annual subscription pricing includes all updates issued during the applicable subscription duration.


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