Land Law eReference

Land Law eReference

Simon Espie, Kenneth Palmer, David Brown, Rod Thomas, Elizabeth Toomey, Tom Bennion

eReference - ProView

Price: POA + GST

Date: 01/11/2014

Code: 41721503

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Land Law eReference

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Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
eReference - ProView Land Law eReference 01/11/2014 41721503 POA Enquiry

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Land Law eReference

Looseleaf Land Law (Looseleaf) 30137685 POA Enquiry

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Land Law (Looseleaf)

Online Land Law - Westlaw NZ 41169030 POA Enquiry

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Land Law - Westlaw NZ


Land Law provides a thorough discussion and analysis of real property law and conveyancing in New Zealand.

This service gives extensive and practical coverage to the various rights and interests that landowners enjoy. It deals extensively with the question of how title to land is recorded and transferred between owners.

The service combines full analysis of the law relating to real property with a practical problem-solving focus. It also contains over 100 fully consolidated Acts and Regulations.

First published in 1995, Land Law’s team of updating authors brings together property law experts working in legal practice, university law schools and Land Information New Zealand. This results in a balanced and comprehensive view of an important area of law. Land Law is a logical guide for defence, prosecution, corporate lawyers, the judiciary, police, academics and students.

This service is suitable for anyone who is required to provide advice or research any aspect of New Zealand land law.

Table of Contents

Boundaries: Commentary and analysis

Caveats: Commentary and analysis

Contracts of Sale

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Contracts Enforcement Act 1956

Covenants: Commentary and analysis

Cross Lease Titles

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Concurrent interests
  • Joint Family Homes Act 1964 and Regulations

Crown Pastoral Leases: Commentary and analysis

Easements: Commentary and analysis

Land Transfer

  • Land Transfer Act 1952, amendments and regulations, commentary and analysis

Landlocked Land

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Fencing Act 1978 and Trespass Act 1980

Leases: Commentary and analysis

Licences: Commentary and analysis

Maori Land

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993/Maori Land Act 1993

Mortgages: Commentary and analysis

Overseas Investment

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Overseas Investment Act 2005 and Regulations

Profits a Prendre: Commentary and analysis

Property Law Act 2007: Commentary and analysis

Property Law Act 1952 (Repealed): Commentary and analysis

Public Works Act 1981: Commentary and analysis

Residential Tenancies

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Residential Tenancies Act 1986, Regulations and Rules

Unit Titles

  • Commentary and analysis
  • Unit Titles Act 1972

Related Legislation

Table of Acts and Regulations

Table of Cases

Subject Index

Media Types


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