Mediation in New Zealand (Book + eBook)

Mediation in New Zealand (Book + eBook)

eBook - ProView

$216.00* RRP + GST

Date: 22/05/2018

Code: 42506639

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Book Mediation in New Zealand (Book) 22/05/2018 9781988553078 $166.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Mediation in New Zealand (eBook) 22/05/2018 9781988553085 $166.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Mediation in New Zealand (Book + eBook) 22/05/2018 42506639 $216.00 Add to cart


Mediation in New Zealand is a significant new text which is designed to be specifically relevant to New Zealand’s mediation professionals, academics, and students.

In achieving this objective, authors Grant Morris and Annabel Shaw explore New Zealand’ s mediation landscape from four different, but interconnected perspectives. The first six chapters examine New Zealand mediation’s historical and theoretical context. Chapters 7 to 9 provide a skills-based analysis of mediation practice, and provide practical advice for mediators and mediation advocates. This is followed in chapters 10 to 13 by a systematic overview of prominent mediation specialist areas (including the first evidence-based analysis of commercial mediation in New Zealand). The final chapters examine professional issues relating to mediation, such as accreditation, confidentiality, and the rise of online dispute resolution.

These features of Mediation in New Zealand ensure that the book will be a standard reference work for professional mediators, lawyers representing clients in mediation, parties to mediation, professionals who have some engagement with mediation, academics, law and ADR students, and those seeking to become accredited mediators.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Mediation Scholarship in New Zealand

Chapter 3: The History and Development of Mediation in New Zealand

Chapter 4: Mediation and the Rule of Law in New Zealand

Chapter 5: Consensual Dispute Resolution - Interest-based Negotiation, Conciliation and Facilitation

Chapter 6: Mediation and Culture in New Zealand

Chapter 7: Mediation Process and Styles

Chapter 8: Mediation Skills

Chapter 9: Mediation Clauses and Agreements

Chapter 10: Employment Mediation

Chapter 11: Family Mediation in New Zealand

Chapter 12: Other New Zealand Statutory Regimes

Chapter 13: Commercial Mediation in New Zealand

Chapter 14: The Profession

Chapter 15: Professional Issues

Chapter 16: Online Dispute Resolution

Chapter 17: Conclusion

Table of Statutes and Regulations

Table of Cases

Subject Index


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