Employment Law eReference

Employment Law eReference

Bill Hodge, Phil Bartlett, CJ Christina Inglis, Kathryn Beck, Mere King

eReference - ProView

Price: POA + GST

Date: 01/11/2014

Code: 41721491

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Employment Law eReference

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Available Formats

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Online Employment Law - Westlaw NZ 41169051 POA Enquiry

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Employment Law - Westlaw NZ

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Looseleaf Employment Law 30140944 POA Enquiry

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Employment Law

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eReference - ProView Employment Law eReference 01/11/2014 41721491 POA Enquiry

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Employment Law eReference

Thomson Reuters and its related bodies corporate (TR) collect your personal information for the purpose of providing you with, and sending you information about, TR's products and services and for the other purposes set out in our privacy statement at https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en/privacy-statement.html. Our privacy statement explains how we collect, use, store and disclose your personal information, the consequences for you if we do not collect this information, and the way in which you can access and seek the correction of your personal information or complain about a breach of the Privacy Act.


Employment Law is a comprehensive insight into New Zealand’s current employment law system. First published in 1991, it has become a respected title among employment law practitioners and in employment institutions.

The service is an annotated commentary designed to be a practical guide to the law. It is written and updated by well-regarded expert authors.

Employment Law provides in-depth coverage of the Employment Relations Act 2000 and associated regulations and case law. Other areas of employment law are also covered, including holidays, parental leave, wages, workplace health and safety, public service and police employment, education and training, unions, privacy, human rights, international instruments, and the common law relating to employment.

Analysis of legislation and case law is supplemented with appendices (including a glossary of employment terms, a sample individual employment agreement and a checklist for dismissal procedures), legislative and case tables (in the loose-leaf and ProView versions), and a subject index.

Employment Law is among the foremost resources in its area and is a must-have for any lawyer or advocate specialising in employment law.

Table of Contents


  • Employment Relations Act 2000 (including all amendments and commentary)
  • Editorials
  • Acts, Regulations, Practice Notes and Directions pertaining to institutions and courts
  • Conventions and codes, including Code of Good Faith in Collective Bargaining and International Labour Organisation conventions
  • Minimum Code (commentary) and equal pay, minimum wage, and wage protection legislation
  • Holidays Act 2003 with commentary and related legislation
  • Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 with commentary and regulations
  • Volunteers Employment Protection Act 1973
  • Public Service Act 2020 and commentary
  • Employment of teachers
  • Employment of Police (commentary), Policing Act 2008 and regulations
  • Education andTraining Act 2020
  • Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and regulations, and Trade Unions Act 1908
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 with commentary, Health and Safety Regulations, and Smoke-free Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990
  • Privacy Act 2020 and regulations
  • Protected Disclosures Act 2000
  • Human Rights Act 1993 with commentary and regulations
  • Common Law (commentary)
  • Historical employment legislation
  • Appendices (including a glossary of employment terms, sample individual employment agreement and a checklist for dismissal procedures)
  • Subject index
  • Legislative and case tables (in the looseleaf and ProView versions)
NB: Price is for a single annual subscription for one user and includes all updates issued during the year. For pricing for multiple users or for existing subscribers to the service in other formats, please email us or call 0800 10 60 60.
eBooks and eReferences (an updating subscription eBook) may not be returned once the software key has been supplied to the customer, which supply will be by email after publication of the eReference or eBook. Your rights as a customer to access and use the ProView software and a ProView eSub are subject to acceptance of the terms upon which are at: http://thomsonreuters.com/site/proview/license-agreement/licence-agreement-new-zealand/