Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd ed) book + ebook
Book+eBook $190.00* RRP + GST |
Date: 31/07/2019 Code: 42669372 Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND |
![]() Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd ed) book + ebook
Price: $190.00 + GST
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Format | Title | Date | Code | Price (excl. GST) | |
Book | Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd ed) book | 02/08/2019 | 9781988591070 | $146.00 |
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![]() Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd ed) book
Price: $146.00 + GST
eBook - ProView | Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd edition) ebook | 31/07/2019 | 9781988591087 | $146.00 |
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![]() Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd edition) ebook
Price: $146.00 + GST
Book+eBook | Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd ed) book + ebook | 31/07/2019 | 42669372 | $190.00 |
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![]() Forensic Science and the Law: A Guide for Lawyers, Police and Expert Witnesses (2nd ed) book + ebook
Price: $190.00 + GST
Like its well-regarded predecessor this new edition of Forensic Science and the Law - A Guide for Police, Lawyers and Expert Witnesses is an information resource providing practical information to readers about the key areas of forensic science encountered in criminal and traffic cases. Drawing on her experience as a forensic scientist, consultant and expert witness, Dr Anna Sandiford has written the book for non-scientists who need a non-technical explanation of the most common forensic science issues raised during the investigation and litigation stages of criminal and traffic proceedings. Key aspects of forensic investigation, scene examination and crash investigation are covered as are important areas of forensic science including, drugs, alcohol and toxicology, document examination, image and audio analysis, fingerprints and other marks, fires and explosions, DNA, biology, transfer and persistence and bloodstain pattern analysis, medical issues including pathology, psychology and psychiatry and environmental forensics including anthropology, diatoms (drowning cases), pollen and entomology (insects). The book also discusses the role of expert witnesses and the writing and interpretation of expert reports.
This Second Edition brings the text up to date and incorporates new commentary on:
- the 2016 PCAST report into forensic science, particularly in the areas of feature-comparison methods (including fingerprints and DNA mixtures);
- historical reinvestigations;
- advances in DNA techniques and interpretations;
- developments in, and limitations of, interpretation in hair toxicology (hair follicle analysis);
- recent changes in Land Transport Act blood sample collection;
- disclosure issues and ESR's full electronic case jackets;
- capacity assessment; and
- ongoing changes and increased transparency that appear to be occurring in the criminal legal system.
The new edition is also written with a diverse readership in mind ranging from police officers, lawyers, judges and expert witnesses. For these reasons the book continues to be a standard work of reference for all those with an interest in applying or learning about forensic science in the content of New Zealand’s criminal justice system. The book will also be of interest to tertiary students studying criminal law, criminology and forensic science and to members of the wider public wishing to extend their knowledge of the way in which forensic science is used in criminal, Family law and traffic investigations.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Expert
Chapter 2 Experts’ Reports
Chapter 3 The Investigation and What to Consider
Chapter 4 Understanding Expert Witness Findings
Chapter 5 Drugs
Chapter 6 Marks, Impressions and Damage
Chapter 7 Trace Material
Chapter 8 Questioned Document Examination
Chapter 9 Image and Audio Analysis
Chapter 10 Fingerprints and Other Marks
Chapter 11 Fires and Explosions
Chapter 12 Crash Investigation and Analysis
Chapter 13 Alcohol
Chapter 14 Toxicology
Chapter 15 Biology and Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Chapter 16 DNA
Chapter 17 Medical Expertise
Chapter 18 Psychology and Psychiatry
Chapter 19 Environmental Forensics and Scene Examination
Table of Statutes and Regulations
Table of Cases
Subject Index
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