Mahoney on Evidence Act and Analysis (2nd edition)

Mahoney on Evidence Act and Analysis (2nd edition)

Elisabeth McDonald, Scott Optican


$140.00 RRP + GST

Date: 17/12/2024

Code: 9781991102508

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Book Mahoney on Evidence Act and Analysis (2nd edition) 17/12/2024 9781991102508 $140.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Mahoney on Evidence Act and Analysis (2nd edition) eBk 15/12/2024 9781991102515 $140.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Mahoney on Evidence Act and Analysis (2nd edition) Bk + eBk 15/12/2024 43282732 $182.00 Add to cart


Since its initial publication in 2007, The Evidence Act 2006: Act and Analysis has stood as the leading and authoritative text on the Act in New Zealand. Extensively cited in judicial decisions and academic writings, its section-by-section commentary — enriched with extensive cross-referencing — offers a comprehensive description, analysis, and critique, providing a wide-ranging explanation of the Act, its underlying principles, and its individual provisions.


Now in the second edition under the title of Mahoney on Evidence, the book continues to build on its reputation as an indispensable resource for academics, practitioners, researchers, policymakers and law students alike.  The text provides an updated examination of the Evidence Act 2006 and a thorough treatment of noteworthy court decisions (past and present) from the New Zealand Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court. The new edition examines the amendments to the Act resulting from the Sexual Violence Legislation Act 2021 — which enacted a number of recommendations from the New Zealand Law Commission’s 2019 second review of the Evidence Act. The book also highlights the Law Commission’s 2024 report following its third (and final) statutorily-mandated review of the Act.


Mahoney on Evidence: Act and Analysis (2nd edition) is authored by some of New Zealand’s leading evidence law academics and practitioners. They bring their unique perspectives to this latest volume, which offers an invaluable scholarly and practical treatment of the law of evidence in New Zealand today.



Scott Optican (General Editor)

Elisabeth McDonald (General Editor)

Alexandra Allen-Franks

Andrea Ewing

Fionnghuala Cuncannon

Jack Oliver-Hood

Nick Whittington


Table of Contents

Foreword (The Honourable Dame Ellen France DNZM)

Author bios


Evidence Act 2006 (with section-based commentary)

Evidence (Video Records and Very Young Children’s Evidence) Regulations 2023

Evidence (Trans-Tasman Service of, and Compliance with, New Zealand Subpoenas and Australian Subpoenas Issued in Criminal Proceedings) Rules 2013

Table of Statutes and Regulations

Table of Cases

Subject Index